Check out these photos that were just found in the XTRAK vault! So awesome! The first one is of Jim, back in the day. He is one of the founders of XTRAK. This photo is of Stoney and Bologna in 2000 This third photo is of Mallory, me, and Paul, sometime in the 90's
These photos are of Kurt, taken earlier today. He is also one of the founders of XTRAK. (they weren't really taken earlier today)
I've just gotten word that the Vilano Beach Throw down has been changed to sunday! February 29th! it's still gonna start at 7:30! sorry for the misinformation. Actually, it's not really misinformation, it was more like early information. Cause it was supposed to be on saturday, but they changed it to sunday because the forecast has changed and they want the offshore conditions on Sunday. Anyhooo, have a great weekend, and we will see you on SUNDAY! -D
I've just been told that the Vilano Throw Down is most definitely on for this saturday (February 28th 2009). It starts at 7:30am. The VTD is the first ever waiting period competition on the East Coast, and now it's the first ever live broadcasted skimboarding event EVER! The broadcast will be brought to you by Finless Apparel and shown only on FSMTV. Check out Skim Invasion for more details on the event.
So I was creepin around the Xtrak headquarters earlier today, and I came across Two of the very first pads we ever produced, back in the early 90's. Check out the old logo color way. Personally, I really like that color way. What do you all think?
Okay, so i've just gotten word that the Vilano Throwdown has been moved back to saturday, as conditions and tide look better for that day. This is not 100% yet, but I've been told that it is at around 71% a go. Check back tomorrow, and the next day for more news on the contest. Or you could go to Skim Invasion for their info. Check back friday as well, just to view the blog!
no matter what day the contest is on, we will be down on the beach with our big red XTRAK/MAGMA tent giving things away throughout the day, and we will also have spray paint and stencils for vandalizing your own t-shirts, and skim boards. We will have a very very limited number of shirts for you to spray, so it will be first come first serve with those. For the rest of you, if you want a neat-o XTRAK ICON SERIES stencil on a t-shirt, you will need to bring your own. So come see Frieda Zamba-Shaw, 4 time world champion, and team manager. She will be in the tent, so you can bombard her with blank shirts, and she'll be more than happy to help you spray somethin on there. Maybe her signature if you're lucky! See ya in the skim! -D
A couple of weeks ago, I made some shirts up for Morgan Just. I hope he liked them. Here's a few photos of me making the first one. How do you like it?
Thanks to our friends up at the South Jersey District for hooking us up with this rad shirt. Indeed, we DO rip! Xtrak and Magma are the sole providers of Traction and Wax for ESA.
Who knew that the ruler of X-TRAK enjoyed snowboarding? Actually, we did. Well here are just a few photos I took, whilst we ascended the mountain last month at Sugar Mt.
This post may not have much to do with surfing, at first glance. But these cans of spray paint were photographed at the X-trak headquarters. They were used to do up some shirts for one of our skimmers Morgan Just. You will probably be seeing more posts like this in the near future. I like taking pictures of things around the warehouse, and I hope that you enjoy looking at them
Heres a few shots from the Boardwalk Blow-up this past weekend. There are many more to come. So keep checking back for them. And a big thanks to Greg and Skim City for putting the whole thing on! And a huge thank you to Morgan Just, for helping us out in the tent both days!
Sorry about the poorish quality of these photos. One of our cameras was being stubborn.